PAQ (Parents Asking Questions)

As parents, we have questions about what we give to our kids, and you probably do too. We’re here for you! If you have other questions you don’t see below, feel free to contact us at

General Questions

PLEZi Nutrition’s mission is to create
higher standards for how the U.S. makes and markets food and beverages for kids, leading with nutrition, taste, and truth. Their goal is to help raise a healthier generation.

Building on her efforts in the White House with her Let’s Move! initiative, Mrs. Obama is a Co-Founder and Strategic Partner with PLEZi Nutrition, working behind-the-scenes to guide the company’s mission to be a driver of change and a model for how food and beverage brands can support the health of our next generation.

The U.S. is in a nutrition-related health crisis. Kids are not getting the recommended levels of nutrients they need, and they are consuming far too much added sugar—on average, 53 pounds of added sugar per year. Sugar-sweetened beverages, also referred to as sugary drinks, are the leading source of added sugar, and nearly two-thirds of youth consume sugary drinks on a given day.

PLEZi Nutrition builds on Mrs. Obama’s work in the White House to help support healthier kids and families. After all those years encouraging every sector to get involved, she learned that to
really change the game on kids’ health, you can’t just rally support from the outside. You’ve got to get inside and find ways to change the food and beverage industry itself. And that’s exactly what she’s hoping to do through PLEZi Nutrition.

 The company was created to give parents a helping hand by offering healthier, great-tasting products that parents can feel good about giving their kids and – most importantly – that kids actually
want. The company offers products that ace the taste test but without added sugar and with overall lower sugar content and sweetness to help adjust kids' palates to crave less sweetness. In addition to reducing sugar and sweetness, they are adding in nutrients kids need, all with the aim to replace sugary drinks and snacks.

Givingback is key component of PLEZi Nutrition's efforts to make a meaningful impact on kids' health. The company announced an initial donation of $1 million to FoodCorps’ Nourishing Futures initiative, which is working to ensure all 50 million students across the country have access to nutrition education and free school meals by 2030. Going forward, PLEZi Nutrition will be investing 10% of profits right back into the broader movement to promote kids' health.

Find your nearest store here! We also have options for purchasing both juice and PLEZi FiZZ online
if you want to save yourself the trip. Subscribe to our newsletter or follow up on Instagram for updates on more locations as we continue to expand!

About PLEZi

The goal of all PLEZi products is to offer a healthier, delicious option to help kids move away from sugary drinks. Sugary drinks are the leading source of added sugars for kids. Nearly two thirds of kids in the U.S. consume sugary drinks like soda on a given day.

PLEZi has no added sugar and has 75% less sugar than averageleading fruit juices. There are 5g of sugar per 6.75 oz serving of PLEZi, while the leading fruit juices average 21g of sugar per 6.75 oz serving. PLEZi also has 2g added fiber and nutrients to support kids’ growing bodies.

PLEZi FiZZ has 70% less sugar thanleading soft drinks, no added sugar, plus 2g fiber, as well as potassium and vitamin C. There are 8g of sugar per 8.4 oz of PLEZi FiZZ (all from fruit juices, no added sugar), while leading carbonated soft drinks average 28g of sugar per 8.4 oz, and that is often all added sugar.

No. Neither PLEZi FiZZ or PLEZi juice contain caffeine.

PLEZi is shelf-stable until opened, but it’s great chilled in the fridge! Once it’s opened, it needs to be refrigerated if it’s not consumed in one sitting.


Nope! No shaking is required.

We don’t recommend it, however it’s great chilled in the fridge.

PLEZi contains stevia leaf extract. We’ve worked hard on our products to reduce sugar levels and add in fiber and nutrients, while also making sure we’ve got a taste kids love that isn’t too sweet.

Fiber has many benefits, but on average, kids are only consuming 40% of the recommended daily amount. Fiber supports gut and overall health, helps us feel full for longer periods of time, and reduces constipation. Each bottle of PLEZi contains 2g of soluble vegetable fiber, which is derived from corn. If you’re interested, you can learn more about fiber here.

PLEZi Nutrition believes kids should bedrinking water as their primary beverage. The company promotes drinking waterand eating whole fruits and vegetables because their products aren’t intended to replace water and whole foods, they are intended to replace sugary drinks that do not support kids' health.

Oh ya, you definitely can! Anywhere that accepts #1 PET bottles. Please do it.

Oh yes you can! Please do.

Our juice boxes are recyclable, but you’ll definitely want to check with your local recycling facility to be sure they are set up to accept them.